
Please register on the site. You DO NOT have to post photos. The photos are just for fun but we NEED to have your current email, address, spouse/kid info for reunion planning and possible mail outs.

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Lori Adams (Fellows)

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Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Stay at home mom

Monica Adams (Villarreal)

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Childcare
I can not wait to see everyone.  I haven't kept up with anyone since 1987.  I didn't go to the 10th reunion so this should be interesting.  My children are Matthew 5 and Audrey 8.  My husband and I will have been married 13 years in July. 

John Agee

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Marital status: Committed Relationship
Occupation: Jewelry Designer
It's been really a kick to look at this website!  (I think the hairdos deserve their own section on the menu bar.)  Unfortunately, I won't be able to be at the reunion.  My partner, Luis, and I moved to Paris (France, not Texas!) last year where I opened my first store showcasing my jewelry design.  It's been a longtime dream that is finally starting to bear fruit.  And life in Paris ain't bad either.

Luckily, I have some REALLY wonderful memories of Westlake and Austin.  Wishing everybody a great reunion!

Gregg Alvarez

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Marital status: Married
National Advertising Sales Manager - Real Cities Network
In '99 Than Shwe finally release me from the Rangoon prison. After making my way back to the US I traveled around doing odd jobs trying to get myself back together after being incarcerated for 4 years. I met my wife at Churchhill Downs in Louisville where we were both working, she in the main kitchen and me shoeing horses. We moved to Austin several years ago where I reconnected with my family.... Seriously, thanks to all of you who are putting the reunion together.

Sarah Anderson (Dale)

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Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Development Consultant
Can't believe it has been 20 years -- I haven't stopped acting like an 18 year old yet!

tonya anderson (mcfarlin )

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Math Teacher

Brett Arabie

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Broker

Courtney Arlow (Albarado)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Domestic Engineer
Thank you to everyone helping to organize this event.

Jud Arrington

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Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Financial Planner

Scott Ashcraft

Then photo
Marital status: Single again Children: 1
Occupation: Software Engineer