35 Year Reunion Committee: Julie Koehn Lane (Committee Liaison): jlane@abdmlaw.com Sarah Dale Anderson: sarah@sarahandersonconsulting.com Kathryn Wiley Bludworth: bludworthk@gtlaw.com Cami Dato: camidatoatx@gmail.com Trent Davis: Trentdavis92@hotmail.com Rudy Yu: rudy.yu@ronin-pc.com Jennifer McElhenney Bertino: jenb129@gmail.com Rob Hill: robhill45@gmail.com Julie Beal Denny: JBD4810@gmail.com Jennifer Dow Habeck: jensalvagestyle@yahoo.com Stacy Gregg Vaughn: stacygv@gmail.com We can certainly use more help - even if it's to take a work shift at one of the events. We invite you to reach out to any of us and volunteer.